If you are not yet aware, Los Angeles County voters approved the passage of Measure R in 2008, allowing major transportation issues to be addressed and resolved. In 2010, Metro and Caltrans adopted motions to move forward with the environment review phase for the SR-710, since the San Gabriel Valley houses over 20% of our county's population.
If you live in Los Angeles County, now is the time for you to update yourself as to how planning has progressed and how various communities are supporting the Environmental Study and outreach efforts. Both of which will play and important role in the project development process.
If you are interested in joining a CLC (Community Liaison Council) in your community, you may do so. These CLC's are in various communities and include local residents, business owners, employers, etc., and will provide feedback on the technical study and overall out reach efforts. There is a meeting coming up on August 8th at 6:30pm at the Chef's Center located at 45 N. San Gabriel Blvd., Pasadena.
For more information on the SR-710 and to sign up for a CLC in your area, please visit:
This is an issue that effects all of us who reside in the San Gabriel Valley. Let's take action and get involved for the future of our community.
There will be a Pasadena City Council meeting dedicated to this issue Monday, Aug. 13, at 6:30 p.m. on the first floor of the conference building at the Pasadena Convention Center. http://bit.ly/QpLSf9